About PulseTeq
PulseTeq brings together physicists and engineers with extensive experience in MR system and MR imaging and spectroscopy combined with comprehensive skills in RF coil, RF electronics and mechanical design.
This experience covers:
- RF coil design of all types of system from low field to ultra-high field. This includes volume coils, surface coils and array coils.
- RF electronics covering frequencies from 10 to 400 MHz, including power switches and combiners, T/R switches and low noise, low impedance preamplifiers.
- EM simulation with use of both CST Microwave Studios and the SEMCAD EM simulation software packages.
- Mechanical design using a wide range of plastics and flexible PCBs with particular attention to compatibility with both high RF powers and strong magnetic fields.
- Clinical research including both neurological applications and a wide range of multinuclear studies, the latter including hyperpolarized applications and the use of fluorine agents.
- Preclinical research. In addition to optimised coil design, our experience includes MR protocols and the design of all aspects of animal handling.
- MR system design: PulseTeq has extensive experience in MR system design and applications.
Wide range of multi-nuclear RF coils for whole-body or preclinical MRI scanners.
Surface coils or dual tuned multi-element coils for applications in the torso or extremities
Multi-element localised body coil or array coils
Quadrature single or dual tuned volume coils for head or leg
Preclinical volume or surface coils. Wide range of diameters and nuclei
Hyperpolarised 13C urea in the kidney superimposed on 1H body coil image