Preclinical RF coils
Single or dual tuned volume and surface coils
Volume coils: standard and custom quadrature volume coils for all preclinical scanners or for use on whole body scanners.
This includes:
- Coils available for field strengths from 1.0T to 9.4T
- Standard coils with apertures of 27, 35, 42 or 72 mm
- Dual tuned coils: nuclei including 31P, 13C, 19F, 23Na, 7Li, 3He, 17O, 129Xe combined with 1H
- All volume coils have quadrature feed with manual adjust on tune and match.
- Axial B1 field of view – coils available for either whole body or localised field of view including open access design for studies in the brain.
- All coils fitted with highly effective RF shield
- Coils for Bruker systems and custom designs available for all other pre-clinical systems
Surface coils: range of single and dual tuned surface coils, standard and custommised designs
This includes:
- Range of sizes to suit different applications: 10, 20 or 20 cm diameter
- Available with manual or fixed tune and match
- Coils for Bruker systems and custom designs available for all other pre-clinical systems
See table for summary of standard products